
您所在的位置:网站首页 汇编 movw 如何调试在启动时iOS应用程序崩溃,只有断点汇编文件


2023-03-25 08:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文介绍了如何调试在启动时iOS应用程序崩溃,只有断点汇编文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_assert_queue_fail:0x349c6ce4:推{R4,R5,R7,LR}0x349c6ce6:添加R7​​,SP,#0x8中0x349c6ce8:分SP,#位于0xC0x349c6cea:MOVW R5,#0x78100x349c6cee:MOV R4,R00x349c6cf0:MOVT R5,#为0x10x349c6cf4:MOVW R12,#0x7af00x349c6cf8:MOVT R12,#为0x10x349c6cfc:MOVW R9,#0x7a830x349c6d00:MOVT R9,#为0x10x349c6d04:LDR R0,[R4,#0x48]0x349c6d06:MOVW R2,#0x7a930x349c6d0a:MOVT R2,#为0x10x349c6d0e:MOVW R3,#0x7af50x349c6d12:MOVT R3,#为0x10x349c6d16:加R5,PC0x349c6d18:CMP R0,#为0x00x349c6d1a:它NE0x349c6d1c:movne R5,R00x349c6d1e:加入R12,PC0x349c6d20:加R9,PC0x349c6d22:加R3,PC0x349c6d24:CMP R1,#为0x00x349c6d26:ADD R2,PC0x349c6d28:STRD R4,R5,[SP]0x349c6d2c:它NE0x349c6d2e:movne R3,R120x349c6d30:添加R0,SP,#0x8中0x349c6d32:MOV R1,R90x349c6d34:BLX 0x349dda4c;符号存根: - [OS_object retainWeakReference]0x349c6d38:MOVW R0,#0x7ae00x349c6d3c:MOVT R0,#为0x10x349c6d40:LDR R1,[SP,#0x8中]0x349c6d42:添加R0,PC0x349c6d44:BL 0x349c65cc; _dispatch_log0x349c6d48:陷阱0x349c6d4a:NOP


主题1:EXC_BREAKPOINT(code = EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT,分code = 0xdefe)


任何帮助将是AP preciated。


9月22日11时36分31秒的DeviceName locationd [63]<注意计算值:手势EnabledForTopCLient:0,EnabledInDaemonSettings:09月22日11时36分31秒的DeviceName myAppName [6750]<警告计算值:***在断言失败 - [UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:],/SourceCache/BaseBoard/BaseBoard-97/BaseBoard/BSAction.m:2219月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName myAppName [6750]<注意计算值:BUG在libdispatch的客户:断言失败:阻止于意想不到的队列中运行    预计队列:0x0x3713cd40 [com.apple.main线程]9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:task_set_exception_ports(B07,400,D03,0,0)失败,出现错误(4:(OS /克恩)无效参数)9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<注意计算值:ReportCrash行动反对PID 67509月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName diagnosticd [5999]<错误计算值:错误评估过程信息 - PID:6750,punique:67509月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<公告&过程myAppName计算值:制定崩溃报告[6750]9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName跳板[2836]<警告计算值:BSXPCMessage收到错误消息:连接无效9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName wifid [68]<注意计算值:无线网络:[433071392.290519]:BG申请:未present,BG守护程序:present。守护:lockdownd networkd assistantd9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName com.apple.xpc.launchd [1](UIKitApplication:com.company.myAppName [0x3ff0] [6750])LT;注意计算值:服务退出由于信号:跟踪/ BPT陷阱:59月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:不保存崩溃日志,因为我们已经达到了极限的日志在磁盘上存储。同步或在/ var /移动/图书馆/日志/ CrashReporter始终否则清除日志保存新的日志。9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:不能崩溃报告保存到磁盘!9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName跳板[2836]<警告计算值:应用UIKitApplication:com.company.myAppName [0x3ff0]坠毁。9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName assertiond [57]<警告计算值:无法设置的LT和优先级; BKNewProcess:0x145437b0; com.company.myAppName; PID:6750> 2,优先级:没有这样的过程9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName assertiond [57]<警告计算值:无法设置的LT和优先级; BKNewProcess:0x145437b0; com.company.myAppName; PID:6750> 4096,优先级:没有这样的过程9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:事件标识符:DF8D30C9-4F46-43CB-B192-323E819180A69月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:CrashReporter始终重点:a93a18a1167cbedc4b3623154bd083fdd77708089月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:硬件型号:iPhone5,29月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:流程:myAppName [6750]9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:路径: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DE60F941-317E-49C2-95EA-0F152A117C16/myAppName.app/myAppName9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName UserEventAgent [17]<警告计算值:ID = com.company.myAppName PID = 6750,状态= 09月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName backboardd [56]<警告计算值:无法bootstrap_look_up与名称com.company.myAppName.gsEvents端口:未知的错误code(1102)9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:标识符:myAppName9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:版本:???9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:code类型:ARM(母语)9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:父进程:launchd的[1]9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:日期/时间:2014年9月22日11:36:32.054 +02009月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:发射时间:2014年9月22日11:25:29.726 +02009月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:OS版本:8.0的iOS(12A365)9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:报告版本:1059月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:异常类型:EXC_BREAKPOINT(SIGTRAP)9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:异常codeS:0x0000000000000001,0x000000000000defe9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:通过主题:0触发9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:上次异常回溯:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:(0x26db3e3a 0x34461c86 0x26db3d10 0x27a845aa 0x2b8bf8c8 0x349c8b64 0x2b8bf832 0x2a7c7ba8 0x349c18c6 0x349c18b2 0x349c50ba 0x26d79be4 0x26d782e4 0x26cc661c 0x26cc642e 0x2e074​​0a4 0x2a2b0804 0xcee48 0x349e1aaa)9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹0坠毁:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c6d48 0x349c0000 + 279769月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c4be4 0x349c0000 + 194289月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 FrontBoardServices 0x2d4e7830 0x2d4df000 + 348649月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:3 FrontBoardServices 0x2d4f40e6 0x2d4df000 + 862469月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName跳板[2836]<警告计算值:无法传递 - [UIRemoteApplication showTopMostMiniAlertWithSynchronizationPort:]消息,端口0:(IPC /发送)无效的目的端口9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:4的CoreFoundation 0x26d7a5b2 0x26cae000 + 8370429月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:5的CoreFoundation 0x26d79874 0x26cae000 + 8336529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:6的CoreFoundation 0x26d77ff6 0x26cae000 + 8273829月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:7的CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 998689月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:8的CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 993749月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:9 myAppName 0x00177f72 0x4f000 + 12163709月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:10的CoreFoundation 0x26db416c 0x26cae000 + 10735169月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:11 libobjc.A.dylib 0x34461f10 0x3445b000 + 284329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:12的libc ++ abi.dylib 0x33d9ade0 0x33d83000 + 977609月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:13的libc ++ abi.dylib 0x33d9a5a4 0x33d83000 + 956529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName locationd [63]<注意计算值:手势EnabledForTopCLient:0,EnabledInDaemonSettings:09月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:14 libobjc.A.dylib 0x34461d5a 0x3445b000 + 279949月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:15的CoreFoundation 0x26db3d10 0x26cae000 + 10724009月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:16基金0x27a845aa 0x279f2000 + 5994669月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:17底板0x2b8bf8c8 0x2b89b000 + 1497049月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:18 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c8b64 0x349c0000 + 356849月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:19底板0x2b8bf832 0x2b89b000 + 1495549月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:20 UIKit的0x2a7c7ba8 0x2a242000 + 57906329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:21 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c18c8 0x349c0000 + 63449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:22 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c18b4 0x349c0000 + 63249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:23 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c50ba 0x349c0000 + 206669月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:24的CoreFoundation 0x26d79be4 0x26cae000 + 8345329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:25的CoreFoundation 0x26d782e4 0x26cae000 + 8281329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:26的CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 998689月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:27的CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 993749月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:28 GraphicsServices 0x2e074​​0a4 0x2e06b000 + 370289月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:29 UIKit的0x2a2b0804 0x2a242000 + 4526129月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:30 myAppName 0x000cee48 0x4f000 + 5238489月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:31 libdyld.dylib 0x349e1aac 0x349e0000 + 68289月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:线程1名:调度队列:com.apple.libdispatch经理9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:线程1:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a942a0 0x34a93000 + 47689月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libdispatch.dylib 0x349cd9fc 0x349c0000 + 558049月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c331e 0x349c0000 + 130869月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:线程2名:GAIThread调度队列:NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 0x15582b609月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:线程2:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa9388 0x34a93000 + 910169月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347e4164 0x3474b000 + 6270449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsqlite3.dylib 0x3479334a 0x3474b000 + 2957549月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:3 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347d2544 0x3474b000 + 5543089月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:4 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347d1e54 0x3474b000 + 5525329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:5 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34792f8e 0x3474b000 + 2947989月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:6 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34787c72 0x3474b000 + 2489469月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:7 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347657dc 0x3474b000 + 1085089月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:8 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34783f10 0x3474b000 + 2332329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:9 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34778ed6 0x3474b000 + 1881189月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:10 CoreData 0x26ab7ab8 0x26aa2000 + 887609月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:11 CoreData 0x26af0d92 0x26aa2000 + 3229629月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:12 CoreData 0x26b87110 0x26aa2000 + 9382569月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:13 CoreData 0x26b6c3ac 0x26aa2000 + 8283329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:14 CoreData 0x26b717c8 0x26aa2000 + 8498649月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:15 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c18b4 0x349c0000 + 63249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:16 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c8b64 0x349c0000 + 356849月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:17 CoreData 0x26b65302 0x26aa2000 + 7994909月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:18 CoreData 0x26b6bf9a 0x26aa2000 + 8272909月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:19 CoreData 0x26b3d5be 0x26aa2000 + 6363509月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:20 myAppName 0x0017312c 0x4f000 + 11963329月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:21 myAppName 0x00171c46 0x4f000 + 11909829月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:22 myAppName 0x00172fe2 0x4f000 + 11960029月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:23 myAppName 0x0017d77e 0x4f000 + 12389109月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:24 myAppName 0x0017e9ee 0x4f000 + 12436309月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:25 myAppName 0x0017e7ec 0x4f000 + 12431169月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:26基金0x27ac359a 0x279f2000 + 8574989月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:27的CoreFoundation 0x26d7a58c 0x26cae000 + 8370049月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:28的CoreFoundation 0x26d7999a 0x26cae000 + 8339469月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:29的CoreFoundation 0x26d78000 0x26cae000 + 8273929月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:30的CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 998689月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:31的CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 993749月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:32基金0x279fe428 0x279f2000 + 502169月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:33基金0x27a4c8e8 0x279f2000 + 3709209月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:34 myAppName 0x0016f678 0x4f000 + 11813049月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:35基金0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 8569669月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:36 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 119209月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:37 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 117789月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:38 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 29569月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:主题3:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa7b38 0x34a93000 + 847929月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b243f4 0x34b22000 + 92049月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b252d8 0x34b22000 + 130169月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:3基础0x27a48f62 0x279f2000 + 3561949月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:4 myAppName 0x0011f036 0x4f000 + 8520229月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:5基金会0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 8569669月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 119209月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 117789月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 29569月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:主题4:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 885249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 37529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 29449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹5名:PF_AFNetworking9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:主题5:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a944f0 0x34a93000 + 53609月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a942e4 0x34a93000 + 48369月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2的CoreFoundation 0x26d79b4e 0x26cae000 + 8343829月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:3的CoreFoundation 0x26d780f4 0x26cae000 + 8276369月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:4的CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 998689月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:5的CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 993749月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:6基金会0x279fe428 0x279f2000 + 502169月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:7基金会0x27a4c8e8 0x279f2000 + 3709209月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:8 myAppName 0x001317ee 0x4f000 + 9277269月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:9基金会0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 8569669月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 119209月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 117789月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 29569月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹6名:com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:主题6:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a944f0 0x34a93000 + 53609月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a942e4 0x34a93000 + 48369月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2的CoreFoundation 0x26d79b4e 0x26cae000 + 8343829月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:3的CoreFoundation 0x26d780f4 0x26cae000 + 8276369月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:4的CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 998689月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:5的CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 993749月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:6 CFNetwork的0x2687f3da 0x26803000 + 5088909月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:7基金会0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 8569669月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 119209月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 117789月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 29569月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹7名:com.apple.CFSocket.private9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹7:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa808c 0x34a93000 + 861569月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1的CoreFoundation 0x26d7e31a 0x26cae000 + 8527629月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 119209月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 117789月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 29569月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹8:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 885249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 37529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 29449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹9:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 885249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 37529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 29449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹10:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 885249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 37529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 29449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹11:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 885249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 37529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 29449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹12:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 885249月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 37529月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 29449月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:螺纹0坠毁与ARM线程状态(32位):9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:R0:0x0056c500 R1:00000000 R2:0x156a7a00 R3:0x00000fff9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:R4:0x3713cd40 R5:0x349de338 R6:0x352bfca8 R7:0x005622e89月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:R8:0x155c4610 R9:0x156a8000 R10:0x155c4610 R11:0x156cb5f09月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:IP:0x37154124 SP:0x005622d4 LR:0x349c6d49 PC:0x349c6d489月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:CPSR:0x600000309月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:二值图像:9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0x4f000 - 0x2eefff myAppName的ARMv7< 8d48834e6e563ba08bd970b675b2c2b1> /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DE60F941-317E-49C2-95EA-0F152A117C16/myAppName.app/myAppName9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0x1fed6000 - 0x1fef9fff dyld的armv7s< fd3fef9c43c9382e8e46d5d59fb52f86> / usr / lib目录/ dyld的9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0x25852000 - 0x259befff AVFoundation armv7s< 291c7a621b65396491697e7a7f728b16> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation9月22日11时36分32秒的DeviceName ReportCrash [6766]<错误计算值:0x259bf000 - 0x25a1dfff libAVFAudio.dylib armv7s< 1b452a7a75513cf9aa82e59feb7eef33> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/libAVFAudio.dylib很多像previous行中任选一行的


看看这个错误消息。这好像是个断言检查已失败的iOS SDK。

***在断言失败 - [UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:],/SourceCache/BaseBoard/BaseBoard-97/BaseBoard/BSAction.m:221BUG在libdispatch的客户:断言失败:阻止于意想不到的队列中运行预计队列:0x0x3713cd40 [com.apple.main线程]

断言没有检查指定块将右侧调度队列中运行。从断言消息和堆栈跟踪, - [UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:] 使用的 dispatch_assert_queue 来检查应用程序code正确使用主队列块。


I'am facing an issue with an app currently in development. The problem is that the App crash at launch time when it was in background for a while, and only in that case. Launching the app while it was killed doesn't lead to crash, from debugger or from phone. Launching the app while it was in background for about 5-10 min doesn't lead to crash, while debugging or not. Launching the app while in backgorund for about 15-20 min lead to a crash. Using debugger and breakpoint on exception gave me this file :

libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_assert_queue_fail: 0x349c6ce4: push {r4, r5, r7, lr} 0x349c6ce6: add r7, sp, #0x8 0x349c6ce8: sub sp, #0xc 0x349c6cea: movw r5, #0x7810 0x349c6cee: mov r4, r0 0x349c6cf0: movt r5, #0x1 0x349c6cf4: movw r12, #0x7af0 0x349c6cf8: movt r12, #0x1 0x349c6cfc: movw r9, #0x7a83 0x349c6d00: movt r9, #0x1 0x349c6d04: ldr r0, [r4, #0x48] 0x349c6d06: movw r2, #0x7a93 0x349c6d0a: movt r2, #0x1 0x349c6d0e: movw r3, #0x7af5 0x349c6d12: movt r3, #0x1 0x349c6d16: add r5, pc 0x349c6d18: cmp r0, #0x0 0x349c6d1a: it ne 0x349c6d1c: movne r5, r0 0x349c6d1e: add r12, pc 0x349c6d20: add r9, pc 0x349c6d22: add r3, pc 0x349c6d24: cmp r1, #0x0 0x349c6d26: add r2, pc 0x349c6d28: strd r4, r5, [sp] 0x349c6d2c: it ne 0x349c6d2e: movne r3, r12 0x349c6d30: add r0, sp, #0x8 0x349c6d32: mov r1, r9 0x349c6d34: blx 0x349dda4c ; symbol stub for: -[OS_object retainWeakReference] 0x349c6d38: movw r0, #0x7ae0 0x349c6d3c: movt r0, #0x1 0x349c6d40: ldr r1, [sp, #0x8] 0x349c6d42: add r0, pc 0x349c6d44: bl 0x349c65cc ; _dispatch_log 0x349c6d48: trap 0x349c6d4a: nop

The debugger break on the trap line, just before the nop at the end with :

Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT, subcode=0xdefe)

I can't find any clue on how to debug this.

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT : here is a crash log with the stacktrace (I replaced my device name with DeviceName and the app name and my company name with com.company.myAppName) :

Sep 22 11:36:31 DeviceName locationd[63] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0 Sep 22 11:36:31 DeviceName myAppName[6750] : *** Assertion failure in -[UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:], /SourceCache/BaseBoard/BaseBoard-97/BaseBoard/BSAction.m:221 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName myAppName[6750] : BUG in client of libdispatch: Assertion failed: Block was run on an unexpected queue Expected queue: 0x0x3713cd40[com.apple.main-thread] Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : task_set_exception_ports(B07, 400, D03, 0, 0) failed with error (4: (os/kern) invalid argument) Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : ReportCrash acting against PID 6750 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName diagnosticd[5999] : error evaluating process info - pid: 6750, punique: 6750 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Formulating crash report for process myAppName[6750] Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName SpringBoard[2836] : BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection invalid Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName wifid[68] : WiFi:[433071392.290519]: BG Application: Not Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: lockdownd networkd assistantd Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.company.myAppName[0x3ff0][6750]) : Service exited due to signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Not saving crash log because we have reached the limit for logs to store on disk. Sync or otherwise clear logs from /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter to save new logs. Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Could not save crash report to disk! Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName SpringBoard[2836] : Application 'UIKitApplication:com.company.myAppName[0x3ff0]' crashed. Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName assertiond[57] : Could not set priority of to 2, priority: No such process Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName assertiond[57] : Could not set priority of to 4096, priority: No such process Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Incident Identifier: DF8D30C9-4F46-43CB-B192-323E819180A6 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : CrashReporter Key: a93a18a1167cbedc4b3623154bd083fdd7770808 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Hardware Model: iPhone5,2 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Process: myAppName [6750] Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Path: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DE60F941-317E-49C2-95EA-0F152A117C16/myAppName.app/myAppName Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName UserEventAgent[17] : id=com.company.myAppName pid=6750, state=0 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName backboardd[56] : Unable to bootstrap_look_up port with name com.company.myAppName.gsEvents: unknown error code (1102) Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Identifier: myAppName Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Version: ??? Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Code Type: ARM (Native) Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Parent Process: launchd [1] Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Date/Time: 2014-09-22 11:36:32.054 +0200 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Launch Time: 2014-09-22 11:25:29.726 +0200 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : OS Version: iOS 8.0 (12A365) Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Report Version: 105 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000000defe Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Triggered by Thread: 0 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Last Exception Backtrace: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : (0x26db3e3a 0x34461c86 0x26db3d10 0x27a845aa 0x2b8bf8c8 0x349c8b64 0x2b8bf832 0x2a7c7ba8 0x349c18c6 0x349c18b2 0x349c50ba 0x26d79be4 0x26d782e4 0x26cc661c 0x26cc642e 0x2e0740a4 0x2a2b0804 0xcee48 0x349e1aaa) Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 0 Crashed: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c6d48 0x349c0000 + 27976 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c4be4 0x349c0000 + 19428 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 FrontBoardServices 0x2d4e7830 0x2d4df000 + 34864 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 3 FrontBoardServices 0x2d4f40e6 0x2d4df000 + 86246 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName SpringBoard[2836] : Unable to deliver -[UIRemoteApplication showTopMostMiniAlertWithSynchronizationPort:] message to port 0: (ipc/send) invalid destination port Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 4 CoreFoundation 0x26d7a5b2 0x26cae000 + 837042 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 5 CoreFoundation 0x26d79874 0x26cae000 + 833652 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 6 CoreFoundation 0x26d77ff6 0x26cae000 + 827382 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 7 CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 8 CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 9 myAppName 0x00177f72 0x4f000 + 1216370 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 10 CoreFoundation 0x26db416c 0x26cae000 + 1073516 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 11 libobjc.A.dylib 0x34461f10 0x3445b000 + 28432 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 12 libc++abi.dylib 0x33d9ade0 0x33d83000 + 97760 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 13 libc++abi.dylib 0x33d9a5a4 0x33d83000 + 95652 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName locationd[63] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 14 libobjc.A.dylib 0x34461d5a 0x3445b000 + 27994 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 15 CoreFoundation 0x26db3d10 0x26cae000 + 1072400 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 16 Foundation 0x27a845aa 0x279f2000 + 599466 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 17 BaseBoard 0x2b8bf8c8 0x2b89b000 + 149704 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c8b64 0x349c0000 + 35684 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 19 BaseBoard 0x2b8bf832 0x2b89b000 + 149554 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 20 UIKit 0x2a7c7ba8 0x2a242000 + 5790632 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 21 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c18c8 0x349c0000 + 6344 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c18b4 0x349c0000 + 6324 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 23 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c50ba 0x349c0000 + 20666 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 24 CoreFoundation 0x26d79be4 0x26cae000 + 834532 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 25 CoreFoundation 0x26d782e4 0x26cae000 + 828132 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 26 CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 27 CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 28 GraphicsServices 0x2e0740a4 0x2e06b000 + 37028 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 29 UIKit 0x2a2b0804 0x2a242000 + 452612 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 30 myAppName 0x000cee48 0x4f000 + 523848 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 31 libdyld.dylib 0x349e1aac 0x349e0000 + 6828 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 1 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 1: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a942a0 0x34a93000 + 4768 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libdispatch.dylib 0x349cd9fc 0x349c0000 + 55804 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c331e 0x349c0000 + 13086 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 2 name: GAIThread Dispatch queue: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 0x15582b60 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 2: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa9388 0x34a93000 + 91016 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347e4164 0x3474b000 + 627044 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsqlite3.dylib 0x3479334a 0x3474b000 + 295754 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 3 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347d2544 0x3474b000 + 554308 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 4 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347d1e54 0x3474b000 + 552532 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 5 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34792f8e 0x3474b000 + 294798 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 6 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34787c72 0x3474b000 + 248946 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 7 libsqlite3.dylib 0x347657dc 0x3474b000 + 108508 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 8 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34783f10 0x3474b000 + 233232 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 9 libsqlite3.dylib 0x34778ed6 0x3474b000 + 188118 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 10 CoreData 0x26ab7ab8 0x26aa2000 + 88760 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 11 CoreData 0x26af0d92 0x26aa2000 + 322962 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 12 CoreData 0x26b87110 0x26aa2000 + 938256 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 13 CoreData 0x26b6c3ac 0x26aa2000 + 828332 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 14 CoreData 0x26b717c8 0x26aa2000 + 849864 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c18b4 0x349c0000 + 6324 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x349c8b64 0x349c0000 + 35684 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 17 CoreData 0x26b65302 0x26aa2000 + 799490 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 18 CoreData 0x26b6bf9a 0x26aa2000 + 827290 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 19 CoreData 0x26b3d5be 0x26aa2000 + 636350 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 20 myAppName 0x0017312c 0x4f000 + 1196332 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 21 myAppName 0x00171c46 0x4f000 + 1190982 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 22 myAppName 0x00172fe2 0x4f000 + 1196002 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 23 myAppName 0x0017d77e 0x4f000 + 1238910 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 24 myAppName 0x0017e9ee 0x4f000 + 1243630 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 25 myAppName 0x0017e7ec 0x4f000 + 1243116 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 26 Foundation 0x27ac359a 0x279f2000 + 857498 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 27 CoreFoundation 0x26d7a58c 0x26cae000 + 837004 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 28 CoreFoundation 0x26d7999a 0x26cae000 + 833946 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 29 CoreFoundation 0x26d78000 0x26cae000 + 827392 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 30 CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 31 CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 32 Foundation 0x279fe428 0x279f2000 + 50216 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 33 Foundation 0x27a4c8e8 0x279f2000 + 370920 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 34 myAppName 0x0016f678 0x4f000 + 1181304 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 35 Foundation 0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 36 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 37 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 38 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 3: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa7b38 0x34a93000 + 84792 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b243f4 0x34b22000 + 9204 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b252d8 0x34b22000 + 13016 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 3 Foundation 0x27a48f62 0x279f2000 + 356194 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 4 myAppName 0x0011f036 0x4f000 + 852022 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 5 Foundation 0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 4: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 5 name: PF_AFNetworking Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 5: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a944f0 0x34a93000 + 5360 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a942e4 0x34a93000 + 4836 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 CoreFoundation 0x26d79b4e 0x26cae000 + 834382 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 3 CoreFoundation 0x26d780f4 0x26cae000 + 827636 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 4 CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 5 CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 6 Foundation 0x279fe428 0x279f2000 + 50216 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 7 Foundation 0x27a4c8e8 0x279f2000 + 370920 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 8 myAppName 0x001317ee 0x4f000 + 927726 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 9 Foundation 0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 6 name: com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 6: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a944f0 0x34a93000 + 5360 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34a942e4 0x34a93000 + 4836 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 CoreFoundation 0x26d79b4e 0x26cae000 + 834382 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 3 CoreFoundation 0x26d780f4 0x26cae000 + 827636 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 4 CoreFoundation 0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 5 CoreFoundation 0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 6 CFNetwork 0x2687f3da 0x26803000 + 508890 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 7 Foundation 0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 7 name: com.apple.CFSocket.private Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 7: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa808c 0x34a93000 + 86156 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 CoreFoundation 0x26d7e31a 0x26cae000 + 852762 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 8: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 9: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 10: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 11: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 12: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (32-bit): Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : r0: 0x0056c500 r1: 0x00000000 r2: 0x156a7a00 r3: 0x00000fff Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : r4: 0x3713cd40 r5: 0x349de338 r6: 0x352bfca8 r7: 0x005622e8 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : r8: 0x155c4610 r9: 0x156a8000 r10: 0x155c4610 r11: 0x156cb5f0 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : ip: 0x37154124 sp: 0x005622d4 lr: 0x349c6d49 pc: 0x349c6d48 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : cpsr: 0x60000030 Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : Binary Images: Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0x4f000 - 0x2eefff myAppName armv7 /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DE60F941-317E-49C2-95EA-0F152A117C16/myAppName.app/myAppName Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0x1fed6000 - 0x1fef9fff dyld armv7s /usr/lib/dyld Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0x25852000 - 0x259befff AVFoundation armv7s /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] : 0x259bf000 - 0x25a1dfff libAVFAudio.dylib armv7s /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/libAVFAudio.dylib A lot of lines like the previous one


Take a look at this error messages. It seems an assertion check was failed in iOS SDK.

*** Assertion failure in -[UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:], /SourceCache/BaseBoard/BaseBoard-97/BaseBoard/BSAction.m:221 BUG in client of libdispatch: Assertion failed: Block was run on an unexpected queue Expected queue: 0x0x3713cd40[com.apple.main-thread]

The assertion did check that the specified block would run on the right dispatch queue. From the assertion message and the stack trace, -[UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:] uses dispatch_assert_queue to check that the application code are using the main queue for the block properly.

So you'd better check your background fetch code that should use the main queue, but your code is using global queue, serial queue or concurrent queue.





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